Frush, Pearl

Pearl Frush

Pearl Frush was one of the top female pinup artists in her time, along with the likes of Joyce Ballantyne and Zoe Mozert. Despite that, her name recognition and her work have been greatly overshadowed by her Read more

Armstrong, Rolf

Rolf Armstrong

Rolf Armstrong was born in Bay City, Michigan on April 21, 1889 to Richard and Harriet (Scott) Armstrong. His father owned the Boy-Line Fire Boat Company, which included a line of passenger ships. Some were deployed in Read more

Best, Roy

Roy Best

Roy Best was an American illustrator and painter of pin-up girls. He was born in Waverly, Ohio on December 3, 1892 and attended the Art Institute of Cincinnati, working on a railroad construction crew to support himself. Read more

Bass, Vaughan Alden

Vaughan Alden Bass

Vaughan Alden Bass was an American painter of pin-up art. Bass was a Chicago artist who started his career working for the Louis F. Dow Company in St. Paul during the mid-1930s. Bass created his own Read more

Austin, Elizabeth

Elizabeth “Liz” Austin

Elizabeth Austin, who signs her work as “Liz A”, is a self-taught artist who began painting pinups in 2001.


She had the honor of painting a memorial portrait of Barbara Katy Champan, daughter of A&E’s Read more

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