Robert Alvarado
Robert Alvarado credits exposure to the pinup images of the 1950’s during his critical adolescent years as a large influence to his work. Taking these “vintage type shots” and turning those memories into an art form has become the “biggest passion” in his life right now. He sites great influences from artists Gil Elvgren, Alberto Vargas, and Olivia plus Norman Rockwell in their images, color and beautiful women. Alvarado has been taking photographs all his life but has only begun doing so professionally in the last six years. Alvarado seems to humbly enjoy this passion and be truly appreciative that others value it. Describing himself as a regular guy just doing what he loves, Alvarado quotes Michelangelo in saying: “I am a poor man and of little worth, who is laboring in the art that God has given me in order to extend my life as long as possible”. He brings a refreshing enthusiasm to his newest vocation and claims he is “like a big kid when he’s photographing someone.”
Alvarado’s style involves individual models in poses, often reminiscent of the classic 1940’s, in clothes, lingerie or tastefully nude looking directly at the camera. The color, form and style of the images have an allure that captivates onlookers and confounds fellow photographers. It is a process he has been developing through trial and error for over a year until he created the look he desired. Blogs on photography sites beg for hints on how he achieves his look. They suggest software? filters? plug ins? to create the flat color of the images with the pop out shine of some of the models’ key features.
What are the names of Alvarado’s models ???????
The names of his models are very rarely indicated, if at all. We decided to forego attempting to identify each an every model and simply want to focus on his wonderful work.